Visual Art

Li Dance Company
Spirit is a serious disease
★ 首演 Premiere
✦ 作品含裸露,兒童不宜
Except movement, what else can be choreography? Can it be the emotion? Can it be the process of thing changing? This work brings the concept of choreography to the exhibition, forming an event that combines dance/installation/live art, and the audience can feel free to wander and watch during the performance, to explore the boundaries of choreography and the blank spaces that routines cannot reach.
✦ With nudity.
鋰舞團是一個創作計畫,透過對一個虛構的國際舞團的角色扮演,來進行種各種實驗創作,2021年於艋舺舞蹈節演出的《You Jump, I Jump》是徵選舞者的沉浸式舞蹈劇場,本作的完整版將受邀於2022新竹縣新響藝術季演出。參與鋰舞團的創作者,主要來自北藝大舞蹈所的碩博士班,以及對舞蹈有興趣的劇場創作者。
Li Dance Company is a creative project to carry out various experimental creations through the role-playing of a fictional international dance company. Their first creation "You Jump, I Jump" which is an immersive dance theatre performed at the Want to Dance Festival in 2021. The full version of this work will be invited to perform at the 2022 Hsinchu New Voices Arts Festival. The creators participating in the Li Dance Company are mainly from the postgraduate and doctoral students of the Dance department of Taipei University of Arts, as well as theater makers who are interested in dance.
Producer: Liu Wen-Hsin
Director: Keng Yi-Wei
Space Design: Keng Yi-Wei
Sound Design: Li Yun
Dancers: Wang Ssu-Han, Huang Shi-Hao, Huang You-fang, Huang Qi-Fang, Yang Yue, Chang Yu-Hsuan, Zhang Jia-Yin, taboeh a ‘oebey tataysi', Liao Szu-Wei, Chen I-Min & Cheng Yi-Fang, Saito Shinichi & Cheng Shih-Yung, Yan Kai-lun, Liu Wen-Hsin, Jiang Feng(4/16 only)