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HUANG Chih-Chia

瑪麗.林 Mari-Lynn


獨舞作品《瑪麗, 林Mari-Lynn》,以「艋舺萬華」為創作核心基底,創建人物角色及敘事內容。來自空間/環境中往來無數人們留下的印記,瑪麗,林Mari-Lynn 既是他/她自己,也是眾人,承載此地的過去,存在於當下,消融轉化成未來。
延續實驗「以建築/空間/環境為創作初始核心」的概念,以艋舺萬華相關歷史文化背景為創作基底,創建人物角色及內容敘事。當代身體表演為載體,與夢境的感性流動相互交織,《瑪麗, 林Mari-Lynn》或許來自川流來去此地的人們留下的一縷氣息、一步足跡,甚或又輕又重的情慾流動、情感連結,在時間的甬道裡與空間/環境相互無盡地映照,無數餘光殘影集結印刻在一具肉身,消融後幻化成潛意識深處無止盡的夢。瑪麗, 林Mari-Lynn 既是他/她自己,也是往來無數的眾人,承載此地的過去,存在於當下,也每時每刻亦步亦趨地轉化成未來。


1. 蔡小月-台南南聲社:南管散曲-與君共斷;長唄 藤娘 おどり用;姚蘇蓉:負心的人;Miki Asakura:Holding Out For A Hero 1985;Lady gaga:Born this way
2. Kosta T - Complect for...... (Album- complect for......) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)
3. Schemawound - A Letter Written In Blood (Album- Regardless Of Your Heart One Day You'll Rot.) (CC BY 4.0)

Mari-Lynn, a solo performance that is inspired by the architecture, spaces, environment and history of Wanhua district, Taipei city. Gathering little senses and messages whispering in the spaces to create and become Mari-Lynn, he/she is not only him/herself, but people who come and go, in the past, being present and keeping transforming into the future.
I have been slowly collecting all the lights and forming them into a plait as time goes by. There might be some adoration, including desire, love, freedom, loneliness, pleasure and some of the pain written in a cheesy and sensational love song.
However, we would meet up between our dreams and realities day by day, under different lights, to satisfy each other with the love that is masked by the pretense and maybe some sincerity.” Mari-Lynn says.
Mari-Lynn, a solo performance that is inspired by the architecture, spaces, environment and history of Wanhua district, Taipei city. Gathering little senses and messages whispering in the spaces to create and become Mari-Lynn, he/she is not only him/herself, but people who come and go, in the past, being present and keeping transforming into the future.

Music: (*Adopted and remixed)
1.Tsai Hsiao-yueh-The Nansheng she, Taiwan: Classical music of southern China-“Lovers Meeting”(Album" CHINE, NAN-KOUAN", ); 長唄 藤娘 おどり用; Yao, Su-Rong-The heartbreaker; Miki Asakura-Holding Out For A Hero 1985; Lady gaga-Born this way
2. Kosta T - Complect for...... (Album- complect for......) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)
3. Schemawound - A Letter Written In Blood (Album- Regardless Of Your Heart One Day You'll Rot.) (CC BY 4.0)

創作者|About Artists



Starting from the body/dance, Chih-Chia has been in the exploration of performing while constructing her choreography with an open mind. By collaborating with artists from different disciplines, she continues her experiments of performance-form and structure with multiple perspectives and all her passion.



Director/Choreographer/Dancer/Sound:HUANG Chih-Chia



U mkt Patio

2023/4/23 14:30


Bopiliao Historic Block No.167-169-173

2023/4/22 17:00

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