20 mins
Banga Park Square
2024/04/21 15:30
Do around the World

Parini Secondo 的新作品《Do around the world》以跳繩作為動作表演和節拍。
在這個作品中,Parini認為運動員和孩子之間有著強大的連結,這兩個英勇形象和詩人,與死亡有著密切的關係(Furio Jesi,1958年)。「跳躍」既跛行又是飛行,作為一種風格化的舞蹈引領我們走出迷宮,將我們從閉著眼睛躺在地上的全身狀態中解救出來。人們可以像鼓一樣擺脫僵局:透過創造物理空間,皮膚與每一次敲擊產生共鳴,成為話語的迴聲,一塊會唱歌的石頭。
在與音樂家兼研究員Alberto Ricca/Bienoise 共同創作的過程中,繩索旋轉流動的虛幻重複性變成了一個不可阻擋的螺旋,將時間的現實融入儀式中。 在動作練習開始之前即是舞蹈本身。當動作與儀式並存時,實際的動作本身開始昇華並轉化為一種象徵性的儀式行為,動作與表演之間的界限逐漸模糊,模糊了原本連接它們的路徑。作品的靈感來自法國版的跳房子 l'escargot,即用單腳跳躍完成向外和返回的運動。
Parini Secondo chooses rope skipping as an athletic practice and rhythmic element to create his new production - Do around the world.
In this instrument, Parini identifies the powerful union between the athlete and the child, two heroic figures who, together with the poet, share a close relationship with death (Jesi, 1958). The jump, at once limp and flight, is the stylised dance that leads out of the labyrinth, interpreted here as a negation of the systemic condition that would have us lying motionless on the ground with our eyes closed. One can come out of the impasse like drums: by creating a physical void in which the skin resonates with each blow, becomes an echo of the words heard, becomes stone that sings.
In a composition elaborated together with musician and researcher Alberto Ricca/Bienoise, the illusory repetitiveness of the rotating flow of the rope becomes an inexorable spiral that parabolises time from the real to the ritual. What comes before, the exercise, is already everything that comes after, is the dance. In this sports-ritual binomial, a path of sublimation of athletic practice develops in which occluding repetition is transformed into an evolutionary portal. The passage from the exercise sphere to the performance sphere takes place discreetly and by juxtaposition, veiling the initiatory path that connects them, which is inspired by the game of hopscotch in its French version - the escargot, a numbered spiral grid to be completed in an outward and return movement by jumping on one foot.
It is in the nature of what is sacred to be able to be heard, but to want to be seen in a veiled way or not to want to be seen at all (Schneider, 2005).
Parini Secondo
Parini Secondo成立於2017年,由Sissj Bassani(1997年出生於切塞納)和Martina Piazzi(1997年出生於波隆那)所構想,成員包含舞者Camilla Neri和Francesca Pizzagalli。Parini Secondo的藝術家們致力於以多變的方式來探討動作,持續質疑作者身份和潮流主義的界限。該團體在社會生態和現成行為中,透過教學影片或網路上其他內容來吸收學習,並使用和混合其他人在線已存在的想法和編舞。Parini 充分的利用以及支持開源和 DIY [自己動手] 的所含有的道德以及背後的美學潛力。
自2019年以來,此團體與音樂家、製作人也是老師的Alberto Ricca/Bienoise(1985年出生於韋爾巴尼亞)合作,Alberto參與了《i》(2019年)、《ROCCO》(2019年)、《SPEEED》(2020年)被選為2022年La Vetrina della giovane danza d'autore 的項目、《be me》(2021年)獲得了ecce 歐洲創意經濟中心(德國埃森)的KreativCampus.Rhur駐村計劃。 Parini最新研究計畫「do-around-the-world/HIT」著重於跳繩和童年有趣的節拍,用以窺看女性自身成長過程中的文化和音樂元素。該計畫得到Anticorpi XL network的支持ER獎助金和ResiDance駐村課程,以及ERASMUS+計劃的支持。
Parini Secondo was born in 2017 from an idea by Sissj Bassani (Cesena,1997) and Martina Piazzi (Bologna, 1997) and involves the dancers Camilla Neri and Francesca Pizzagalli. The artists propose to work on movement in a protean manner, questioning the limits of authorship and up-to-dateism. In an ecological and ready-made act, the group uses and remixes other people's ideas and choreographies that already exist online, which are learnt through tutorials or other content on the net. Parini exploits and supports the potential of open source and DIY [do-it-yourself] ethics/aesthetics.
Since 2019 the collective has been collaborating with musician, producer and teacher Alberto Ricca/Bienoise (Verbania, 1985) who is featured in the projects i (2019), ROCCO (2019), SPEEED (2020) - selected for La Vetrina della giovane danza d'autore 2022 - and be me (2021) - winner of the KreativCampus.Rhur residency programme by ecce - european centre for creative economy (Essen, DE). Parini's latest research, do-around-the-world/HIT, is concerned with rope skipping and childhood playful rhythmic practices as identifying cultural and musical elements of women's own upbringing. The project is supported by the Anticorpi XL network through the supportER grant and the ResiDance residency course, as well as by the ERASMUS+ programme.

編舞家: Sissj Bassani, Martina Piazzi
舞者: Sissj Bassani, Camilla Neri, Martina Piazzi, Francesca Pizzagalli
Coreographer: Sissj Bassani, Martina Piazzi
Dancer: Sissj Bassani, Camilla Neri, Martina Piazzi, Francesca Pizzagalli