15 mins
Wan Theater
2024/04/20 13:30
此次製作發展延續2023年艋舺國際舞蹈節演出作品《Connection》,從團長姊妹2人自身身體出發,以Replace、Reaction、Reflection三個面向編創,呈現親生姊妹間的連結。《Connection》邀請編舞家楊景名繼續發展,探討「默契」,除了做一樣的肢體動作外,該如何用身體呈現這份無形中的感應,演繹這份「默契感」。在深化的演出作品中同樣不藉由音樂節拍及視覺,僅透過舞者間對於彼此的感知,探索2位舞者身體不同的可能性、並打開自身對於周遭的感受,透過肢體與對方及觀眾進行對話。 Synergy,協同、加乘作用,2位舞者間的張力、拉扯、執行對稱、先後的動作時,將作品中提升至大於2人的能量,如武打片般暢快淋漓。舞者將用起伏的呼吸、視線、會表達意志的頭髮以及肢體向觀眾展現姊妹間爆發力可以心有靈犀。
This production builds upon the Open Call performance piece "Connection" from the 2023 Want to Dance Festival. Starting with the two sisters, the creation focuses on three dimensions: Replace, Reaction, and Reflection, presenting the inherent connection between sisters. "Connection" invites choreographer Yang Jimmin to further explore the theme of "tacit understanding". Beyond replicating physical movements, the piece delves into how to embody the intangible sense of connection and interpret this sense of "understanding". In this extended performance, the exploration continues without relying on musical beats or visuals. Instead, it relies on the dancers' perception of each other to explore the different possibilities of the two dancers' bodies. It aims to open up their awareness of the surroundings and engage in a dialogue through body language with each other and the audience. "Synergy", the collaborative and enhancing effect, is manifested through the tension, pulling, execution of symmetrical and sequential movements between the two dancers. These elements elevate the energy in the performance beyond that of two individuals, creating a dynamic akin to martial arts films. The dancers' rhythmic breathing, gaze, expressive hair movements, and body language showcase the explosive connection between sisters to the audience.
Chun Dance
Chun Dance, formerly known as Yazhi Dance Company, was established in 2012, with a dedication to nurturing local dance performers in Taoyuan. Through our performances, we aim to cultivate Taoyuan citizens' enthusiasm for dance arts, bringing contemporary dance closer to the public.
From 2018 to 2023, we have been renowned as an outstanding performing arts team in Taoyuan. We continually explore diverse performance forms and themes, covering various aspects of daily life, young adulthood, family relationships, Hakka culture, foreign immigrants in Taiwan, and more.
On one hand, we strive to enhance our techniques and refine our works. On the other hand, we continue to develop life-oriented dance performances, using contemporary dance as the medium to discuss various topics with the audience.
Choreographer : Yang, Jimmin
Performer : Hsieh, Yi-chun、Hsieh, Chia-hua