The emotions between people are intricate and complex, like silk, which are woven and connected by tiny threads. As the most representative project of the high-altitude circus, “Aerial Silk" uses woven silk and satin as a medium and combines the physical skills of the performers to present the unique tension and charm of the high-altitude circus. “Fall In Love with You" echoes people’s feelings with red silk. It is warm, tough and full of hope. The performer freely shuttles and flows between the curtains, sometimes balancing, sometimes falling, creating one by one through the arrangement of different techniques and wonderful moment. I would like to invite you to come and talk about love in the air with Ambrose!

導演/胡嘉豪 演員/胡嘉豪
Creatives & Cast
Director / Ambrose Aerialist / Ambrose
Ambrose Hu

畢業於臺北市立大學競技運動訓練研究所,專長太極拳。接觸了西方馬戲後,致力於將東方文化與西方馬戲做結合,產生不一樣的風格。曾任職於FOCA福爾摩沙馬戲團,去世界各地做巡演。馬戲專長為:空中環、高空綢吊、高空大 繩、水晶球。希望用表演帶給別人力量!
Graduated from "Graduate Institute of Sports Training, University of Taipei” Major in TaiChi. Began to circus nine years ago, he try to Combining oriental culture(Wushu) with circus to Create a new style. Served at "Formosa Circus Art” and perform in different countries. His major are Aerial Lyra, Aerial Silks, Aerial Rope and Contact juggling ball. Hope to use performance to bring strength to others!