Relationship can induce tension only upon our mutual consent.

Creatives & Cast
Art Director/Performer : Chang,Yu-Chen
Performer : Huang,Ming-Sheng
Music Imporviser: Liu, Yi-Tang
此演出,歡迎錄影、錄音、拍照,但請關靜音並請勿使用閃光燈,請記得務必標記創作者,也歡迎將您的隨手記錄傳送至創作者的Email。演出期間請保持安靜,歡迎自由移動調整視角,但務必不要在通道停留,記得閃躲移動的表演者。請勿碰觸表演者及物件。Audio, video recording and photography are welcomed, but may we remind you to turn off flashlight and keep your devices on vibration mode. Also, participants are encouraged to send their recordings to the artist’s e-mail. Please remain silent during the performance. You are more than welcomed to move freely. Physical contact with the performers and art pieces is not advised.
Yu-Chen Chang

創作者張猷琛,畢業於台灣藝術大學工藝設計碩士班,遊走於金屬材質塑造,與肢體展演之間。曾以首飾作品『Tension In Between』(又名Tension Between Us)入圍韓國清州工藝雙年展,及2020JOYA巴賽隆納藝術珠寶與物件展。
Yu-Chen Chang, born in 1993, Taipei, Taiwan. He holds a M.F.A. degree in the Craft and Design Department from National Taiwan University of Arts. His works drew inspiration from dance, and explore the relationship between body movement and three-dimensional objects, and had participated in international exhibition/competitions. (Cheongju International Craft Competition 2019 、JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery & Objects 2020)