The connection with words, actions, and thoughts, they influence each other. The contradiction as being subject and carrier at the same time. The body is autonomous which also could be passive in the space. Where is the right of control ? And the right of choosing ?
Creatives & Cast
Performer / Ju-chen Chi, Pei-Ying Chao
Ju-chen Chi
紀儒蓁畢業於法國Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Toulouse當代舞蹈系,2016年獲得文憑後也在巴黎ACTS formation professionnelle就讀一年。2018至2019在瑞士洛桑Junior Company Le Marchepied擔任舞者。在歐洲期間,曾與多位編舞家及藝術家合作演出。
Ju-chen Chi graduated from the Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Toulouse, majoring in contemporary dance. After getting the diploma in 2016, she trained by the professional formation with ACTS in Paris for one year. Ju-chen was a dancer of Junior Company Le Marchepied in Lausanne( Switzerland ) from 2018 to 2019. She worked with different choreographers and artists in Europe.
This performance, she invites Pei-Ying Chao who earned a master’s degree in Fine Arts at National Taiwan University of Arts.