The Iceberg Theory of Virginia Satir, divided human’s inside and outside into two parts-above the water line and under the water line. Which above the water line is call behavior, under the water line there are coping, feelings, feelings about feelings, perceptions, expectations, yearnings and self. Stagger the under parts from self in the lecture hall, they build up to a coping stance and show the behavior.

Creatives & Cast
Me and all the participants at once
❊ 歡迎在不傷害他人與損毀空間物品的前題下,帶著自在的心,一起創造各種可能性。
Ching-Yi, Hsing、Ya-Lan, Hsing

Ching-Yi, Hsing ,a mindfulness practitioner, who was fond of seeing the sea, feeling the change of the mere shadow, exploring the body and mind,especially love to eat the chocolate.
Once I came into contact with dance movement therapy, I felt the warmth of people, and started to know thyself in different sights, also listening with the heart.