每個人都有不同的情緒,在不同的地方都可以看到不同的情感,喜怒哀樂是人最基本的情緒,但人常常把自己的情感藏起來,為了不要成為最突出的人,害怕別人的眼光、言論,為什麼要如此害怕? 做自己不是一件羞恥的事,真實面對內心最純粹的自己,把自己最真實的一面給別人看,不是甚麼羞恥的事,而是最單純的自己。
Everyone has different emotions. You can feel different emotions in different situations. Joy, anger, sorrow and happiness are the most basic emotions of people, but people often hide their emotions in order not to be the most prominent person among the crowd. Why do we be so afraid of others' views and comments ? Is it hard to be yourself? It is not a shame to show your truest side to others. It is just your purest self.

Creatives & Cast
Dancer: En-Tong, Chen、Yu-Wen, Chang、Ning-Hsuan, Chung
Lighting Designer: Lien, Ssu-Yun
LU SHAO KO - Encyclo Production Group

呂紹可,桃園人,就讀國立台北藝術大學舞蹈系貫六。近年來力至創作於表演,參與編創北北風創作平台第二屆【默狂】榮獲主任特別獎,創作作品【Tomorrow will save us】【後來的我】。參與演出北藝大舞蹈系先修第18屆先三畢製【以上皆是】,北藝大2019舞蹈學院初夏展演逆流【Noodle Dance】,2019藝穗節【她的故事-他的故 事】,北藝大2019舞蹈學院歲末展演衡【Dissappearing Sounds】, 2020台北藝穗節《娼》
Lu, ShaoKo, Resident of Taoyuan, Student of Taipei National University of Arts (TNUA), Department of Dance. He has devoted himself to the choreography and performing of dance. - participated in the choreography of [Silence] in the Second Beibei Creative Platform Show and won the Director's Special Award
- Created the dance pieces of [Tomorrow will save us] and [Later I].
- Performed in the following events: the 18th Graduate Show of the Department of Dance of TNUA: [All of the above] 2019's early summer show of TNUA: [Noodle Dance] 2019 Wheatear Festival: [Her story-his story] TNUA 2019 Dance Academy Year-end Exhibition: [Dissappearing Sounds].2020 Taipei Fringe Festival【Prostitute】