WONG Pik-kei
Bird-Watching was premiered at Tai Kwun Dance Season under the programme “The Message Behind the Wall by 198491” in 2019. This programme received the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2020 for “Outstanding Small Venue Production”. Bird-Watching was then selected and presented by Hong Kong Dance Exchange 2020 as one of the eight dance works with best quality between 2017-2019. It was immediately invited by WANT TO DANCE Festival after Hong Kong Dance Exchange 2020.
Exploring how the woman‘s desire of sex is presented in different social structures, ethics and cultures. With the stylish movement and the bright-red costume-props, Bird-Watching is a solo performance with strong attitude, in order to lead the audience to experiencing “watching” and “being watched”.
Taiwan has similar traditions as Hong Kong, however, two different cultures have been developed throughout the centuries. It is interesting to explore how similar and different these two cultures on woman’s body and desire of sex.
創作者|About Artists
香港演藝學院畢業,現為自由身舞蹈工作者,作品由女性角度出發,以批判眼光詰問身體、慾望及性。2017年獲香港藝術發展局頒發奬學金前往維也納國際舞蹈節ImPulsTanz深造,參與Atlas課程精修編舞。2018年獲選為西九文化區Creative Meeting Point的藝術家之一,連續三年前往西班牙交流。作品包括《在時間癱軟時》、《女身》、《19841012》、《隅》及《睇.女》(大館舞蹈季《198491牆後的赤祼信息》委約作品)、《牢性》,作品曾於冰島、瑞典、奧地利、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、新加坡、中國及澳洲重演。
A graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Wong Pik-kei is a choreographer and dancer known for her provocative works that challenge sex and gender stereotypes from a distinct female perspective. She was awarded a scholarship by the Hong Kong Arts Development to attend the Atlas choreography workshops at the 2017 ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival, and was selected by the West Kowloon Cultural District to participate in its residency exchange programme Creative Meeting Point: Hong Kong x Barcelona in 2018. Her most notable projects include When Time Limps, Woman.Body, 19841012, Nook, Bird-Watching and Under∞Line.
Choreographer / Performer: WONG Pik-kei
Lighting Designer: LAU Ming-Hang (SunFool)
Costume Designer: Luise YAU
Music: Fiona LEE

WAN Theater
2023/4/22 15:30