W3, I2
35 mins
Wan Theater
Fashion Institute of Taipei
2024/04/20 16:30
2024/04/21 14:00
此獨舞研究著從人體到宇宙測量未知事物的指標。 它提出了對透過宇宙學感知人體的細微研究,從人體內部和周圍的繪製宇宙。 在Hyperspace中,肉身彎曲、伸展和重新配置,同時顯得巨大且微觀。 詹姆斯·巴徹勒(重新)描繪了身體的內部和外部觀,透過好奇的自我發現過程,邀請人們對男性氣質和脆弱性進行批判性審視。
Hyperspace是繼《Deepspace》(2016 年)和《Redshift》(2017 年)系列作品中的第三部,該系列源於詹姆斯在2016年參與由Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies領導的亞南極赫德島和麥克唐納群島科學考察隊計畫。此作品獲選為2019年Aerowaves歐洲舞蹈平台的作品。
Hyperspace 是與合作夥伴 Centro per la Scena Contemporanea(巴薩諾-德爾格拉帕); Dance 4 (諾丁漢); 和 Dancehouse (墨爾本)共同開發。 HYPERSPACE 獲得了 Australia Council for the Arts、澳洲文化基金會(Australian Cultural Fund)的澳洲創意合作夥伴組織(Creative Partnerships Australia)、Besen Family 基金會、Keir 基金會以及 Michael Adena 和 Joanne Daly 的支持。
The solo performance Hyperspace is a study of the metrics we use to measure the unknown, from the human body to the cosmos. It proposes a subtle investigation of the human body perceived through the prism of cosmology—a mapping of the universe within and around it. In Hyperspace, the fleshy material of the body bends, stretches, and is reconfigured at times, appearing simultaneously colossal and microscopic. James Batchelor (re)maps the interior and exterior landscapes of the body, inviting a critical gaze on masculinity and fragility through a process of curious self-discovery.
Hyperspace is the third in a series of works—together with Deepspace (2016) and Redshift (2017)—that grew from James’ opportunity to be part of a scientific expedition led by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies to the sub-Antarctic Heard and McDonald Islands in 2016. It was part of the prestigious Aerowaves platform in 2019.
Hyperspace was developed with partners Centro per la Scena Contemporanea, Bassano del Grappa; Dance 4, Nottingham; and Dancehouse, Melbourne. HYPERSPACE was supported by the Australia Council for the Arts, Creative Partnerships Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund, The Besen Family Foundation, The Keir Foundation and Michael Adena and Joanne Daly.
James Batchelor and Collaborators
James Batchelor是一位來自恩古納瓦爾 (Ngunnawal) 地區(坎培拉)的編舞家,在歐洲和澳洲之間工作。 在James的作品中,循環的重複、崩塌和延展,以及微妙的節奏操縱,給人一種時間以不同速度移動的印象。觀眾被邀請一起放慢腳步,進入使用敏感的感官來探索的狀態。
整體演出體驗像是集體冥想,在一個無形的架構被揭示出來後,為觀眾提供了一個建立新聯繫、放入自己觀點的框架。他的作品包括《Deepspace》、《Hyperspace》和《Shortcuts to Familiar Places》,曾在Tanz im August(柏林)、Impulstanz(維也納)和Center Pompidou(巴黎)等地巡迴演出。他也致力於與各個年齡層和能力的人進行專門的教學實踐。
James Batchelor is a choreographer from Ngunnawal country (Canberra), working between Europe and Australia. Cycling repetitions, collapsing and expanding scale, and subtle rhythmic manipulation contribute to a sense that time is moving at a different pace in James’ work. The audience is invited to slow down together and be guided into a state of sensorial sensitivity and discovery. The overall experience is one of collective meditation, where an invisible architecture is revealed to provide a framework for making new connections and parallels to the audience’s own points of reference. His body of work—including Deepspace, Hyperspace and Shortcuts to Familiar Places—has toured extensively to contexts such as Tanz im August (Berlin), Impulstanz (Vienna) and Centre Pompidou (Paris). He also has a dedicated teaching practice working with people of various ages and abilities.

編舞/演出: James Batchelor
音效設計: Morgan Hickinbotham
劇場構作: Bek Berger
Choreography / Performance: James Batchelor
Sound Design: Morgan Hickinbotham
Dramaturgy: Bek Berger