E2, P2
20 mins
Huajiang House Overpass
Banga Park Square
2024/04/20 15:50
2024/04/21 14:30
Sketch Series 1|The Near Elsewhere, in the Geography of Seeing and Not Seeing

「速寫系列」 是由編舞家陳柏潔和設計師陳鈺分共同發展與演出的跨媒材創作研究與實踐,並主要以非典型空間作為展演場域,透過肢體、物件與現地環境共構為作品的舞台。
2024年推出速寫系列的第一部作品《近他方,在見與不見的地理》(Sketch Series 1|The Near Elsewhere, in the Geography of Seeing and Not Seeing),創作者欲透過作品探視內在心靈旅程與現實生活中的平行和交錯,在介於虛構與真實的地理當中流動與探索,提問「何處,是他方?」。
"The Sketch Series" is a collaborative development of cross-media creative research and practice by choreographer Po-Chieh Chen and designer Yu-Fen Chen. The series primarily utilizes atypical spaces as performance sites, constructing the stage through the interplay of movement, objects, and the environment.
In 2024, the first of "The Sketch Series", titled "The Near Elsewhere, in the Geography of Seeing and Not Seeing" was launched. Through this work, the artists aim to explore the parallel and intersecting realms of internal spiritual journeys and real-life experiences. Through this work, the artists aim to explore the parallel and intersecting realms of internal spiritual journeys and real-life experiences. Flowing and navigating within the geography between fiction and reality, and posing the question, Where is the "Elsewhere"?
"The Near Elsewhere, in the Geography of Seeing and Not Seeing" aspires to evoke resonance among diverse viewers through non-verbal and non-linear interpretations and to endow each viewer with the imagination to compose their own inquiries and interpretations about the self.
陳柏潔 x 陳鈺分 — 藝術報國 Ars Association
Po-Chieh CHEN x Yu-Fen CHEN — 藝術報國 Ars Association
策展人暨編舞家陳柏潔及設計師陳鈺分,於2021年共同創辦位在台中市的雙人創作組合「藝術報國Ars Association」,聚焦於肢體本質的研究,並且跨學科擴延,透過策展、創作、知識共享及網絡連結等方式與社會溝通。
Choreographer and curator Po-Chieh CHEN, along with designer Yu-Fen CHEN, jointly established the art duo "Ars Association" in Taichung City (Taiwan) in 2021. As a contemporary performing arts group, focused on the study of the essence of physicality, the group extends across disciplines, engaging with society through curation, creation, knowledge sharing, and network connections.
The groups' recent works include "2022 So Fresh! Art Creation Project", "Ayla- First Visit" (2022), "Welcome to My Dance Studio" (2022).
In 2024, they will release the ongoing artistic creations, such as "Sketch Series", "Possibility of Presences" (work-in-progress), "Locus".

Concept : Po-Chieh CHEN
Co-development and Interpretation : Po-Chieh CHEN, Yu-Fen CHEN
This program is part of the 2024 Taichung Outstanding Performing Arts Groups Project.
Advisor : Ministry of Culture
Co-organizer : Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government