B1, G1
12 mins
糖廍文化園區C倉 南側
Tanbu Cultural Park Warehouse C South
T-UP Climbing Gym 2F Climbing Zone
2024/04/19 20:20
2024/04/20 15:05
I'm 42, a dancer who doesn't want to retire, yet when I flip through my calendar, it's almost as if I'm already retired. Being a mom for over seven years, I have expectations and disappointments about life. There are many things I want to do, yet sometimes I feel powerless, and at times I'm even unsure what exactly is holding me back. Now, I want to face my current state honestly and earnestly, hoping to make sense of the chaos. Maybe you've also been in a similar dilemma. Let's talk about it.
Wei-Shan Lai
賴唯珊 台灣人,曾旅居英國﹑日本和美國十多年,於倫敦拉邦音樂舞蹈學院取得舞蹈學位。於2000年參與果陀劇場音樂劇『看見太陽』的全台巡迴演出,曾任新古典舞團實習舞者﹑舊金山Lenora Lee Dance舞團和LEVYdance舞團舞者,除了舞蹈,並持續進修戲劇表演課程,也曾參與舞台劇和舞蹈影像的演出,編舞作品多為舞蹈劇場的形式,曾於台北﹑倫敦﹑東京﹑大阪和舊金山等地演出。於2019年移居回台。
Wei-Shan Lai is a dancer, choreographer, and actor from Taiwan. Her first appearance in a professional production was Godot Theatre Company's musical, "Sunrise" in 2000. She joined Neo-Classic Dance Company as an apprentice in 2005. Wei-Shan moved to London in 2008 and studied at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance where she received her diploma in dance studies. After graduation, she had been a freelance dancer/choreographer in London and Tokyo. She relocated to San Francisco in 2013. She has worked with Lenora Lee Dance, LEVYdance, inkBoat, Dance Monks, and Epiphany Productions, including the award-winning production "Within the Walls" and award-winning dance film "Light" with Lenora Lee Dance. Wei-Shan has presented her works in London, Tokyo, Osaka, Taipei, and the San Francisco Bay Area. After being abroad for eleven years, Wei-Shan moved back to Taipei in 2019. She has worked with Dancecology in "The Conference of the Birds" which was performed in Taoyuan Land Art Festival. Wei-Shan also finished the two-year Meisner technique training program at Taipei Meisner Studio and performed in the showcase for "Moony's Kid Don't Cry."

Choreographer : Wei-Shan Lai
Dancer : Wei-Shan Lai